Dog River Crier Newsletter 

including Full-Text Access

The Dog River Crier is the official newsletter of the Society, is published in May and October of each year, and is mailed out to all members prior to each meeting, announcing the date, time, and the featured program. Included in the Crier are reports, readers' letters, and articles on various topics on the history of Northfield. The Crier began in 1975 and has been published without interruption. 

Crier editor: Louisa Tripp. Contact email for Louisa is:


Back issues of the Dog River Crier, the Society's newsletter, are now available as searchable full-text PDF documents.

Click on the issue you want to view. Each issue will open in a new window. 

Each individual issue is searchable. Use the "Find" search box (Ctrl-F using your keyboard) after you have downloaded an issue. 

If you have difficulty opening or downloading any of the issues, please contact us at:

All articles and photographs in the Crier are owned by the Northfield Historical Society and require permission for use.